Of debating endlessly about the problems and solutions we deal with saving the environment, here’s a look back into the ideologies and inception of Howddy and its existence. Electrifying transportation has been one of the biggest keys to solving the looming climate crisis. With more electric vehicles on the road and lesser burning of fossil fuels we are for sure heading towards a greener planet. A constant debate on few topics during our initial days led to the forming of ‘solutions to these problems’
With an increase of vehicle population due to the boom in the service industry, Howddy has identified a few of the most common problems along with solutions that the delivery industry faces on a day to day basis:
Increasing opportunities for hyper local delivery start ups, Howddy extends an affordable scooter rental model for all corporates that enables cost effective and convenient solutions in their lines of businesses. Howddy intends to be a part of the Indian Government’s growth story by pushing the adoption of electric vehicles and support its mission to 28M units by 2030. As the team leaps forward in achieving these goals at Howddy we are constantly reminded by the famous saying “We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them”
For more on Howddy – Your Delivery Just Got Electric, visit the website – http://www.howddy.in 🙂